Eileen asked where was my New Year's post. Too much going on I guess. I have taken the New Year's plunge to bust that stash. Kim posted from Jennifer Chiaverini's new book The New Year's Quilt that '"Some people don't have your self-discipline," said Sylvia, smiling. "Some people need an important occasion to herald a time for change."' Well, I certainly have no self-discipline.
My sewing room is not quite in the condition of some others. One lady commented on my Yahoo group that she had to walk into hers sideways. LOL. But mine is close.
I have spent most of the past ten years working temporarily all over the country. I would take my sewing machine, basic quilting supplies and not much fabric because I already had so much. Who do I think I was fooling. I would get to a new place, visit the local quilt shop and buy a few things to make a quilt while I was there and a little extra. Well, the quilt never got made, the little extra never got used and it came back home and was stored.
Once I got a sewing room, I unpacked all of the fabric, cutting mats into one place and was overwhelmed at how much I have. Maybe fabric is like rabbits and just multiplies all over the place when we are not looking. I have already posted about my UFOs but that is pieces. Fabric is yardage and I have the yardage. I would take a picture, but my camera battery has fiven up the rechargable ghost.
So I am joining Judy Laquidara's challenge. I don't know if I will be able to post every Sunday in January. This is one of the month's I will be gone more than I am here but I have made the commitment. And keeping my word is very important.
I am off to Colorado Sunday but hope to post before then about a wonderful memory about my grandmother's and mother's hand quilting that came back to me as a result of a question from another quilter.
I hope you have a warm, safe day. We are projected to get two to five feet of snow in the next three days and wind gust to 50 miles per hour.
Happy New year and lots of Rrabbits too. I liked your thinking there.
Have you read "The New Years Quilt"? You should. All those Elm Creek books are great.
Have a great trip to Co. There is plenty of snow.
Happy New Year. It's funny because I have only been quilting for about three years and am trying to grow my stash. Everyone else seems to be trying to shrink theirs. Fabric is very expensive up here in Canada so I buy a lot of mine when we go to USA.
Wow girl - you don't appear to be challenged by anything! How nice to find you, and check out your luscious photos, etc. I'll be back!
Thanks for the visit to my site - it's nice to meet you! You're now in my bloglines.
Us folks in the hinterlands ( !!!) LOVE the ideas coming from the coast. Great ideas.
Happy New Year to you - thanks for visiting my blog http://purrfectlyquilted.blogspot.com - I would be very happy for you to put a link - I had to leave my message here because I haven't worked out how to respond to comments on my own blogsite. Thanks for visiting me - your quilts are lovely and George looks like he might be related to my Cat! Cheers. Jane
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