July 4, 2010

happy in the red, white and blue.

Independence day.  There is something quite ethereal about walking through Independence Hall in Philadelphia where those brave men took a tremendous leap of faith and started our country more than 200 years ago.

It is also very special to me.  It was on Independence day when I married the Dude.  Why do I call him "the Dude"?  Because everyone who meets him makes the correlation. Think The Big Lewboski but much more articulate.

Anyway, Indpendence day makes the perfect anniversary. One, you never have to work.  Two, your husband NEVER forgets and three, there are always fireworks.

So Happy Independence day to my fellow Americans and especially to the Dude.

photo from Eric Flexyourhead's photostream on Flickr

1 comment:

Chris said...

I LOVE your photo of the ladybug. I have a great love for ladybugs. It is the only thing I was every willing to have inked on me LOL. They are good luck in Germany.